Social Studies
The Kansas state standards for Social Studies were adopted on April 16, 2013. The standards for each grade level and course, as well as Parent Guides for each grade level and course, can be found at the following link. These are the standards we teach. The state assessment at grades 6, 8, and 11 for History-Government and Social Studies is built upon these.
The focus of each grade level is listed below:
Grade K: Sense of Self
Grade 1: Families
Grade 2: Then and Now (Past and Present)
Grade 3: Communities (Local History - Community)
Grade 4: Kansas and Regions of the US
Grade 5: US History (Beginnings through at least 1800)
Grade 6: World History (Ancient and Medieval Civilizations)
Grade 7: Geography and KS History
Grade 8: US History (Constitutional Age through International Expansion)
World History (Renaissance to the Present)
US History with KS History integrated (International Expansion to the Present)
United States Government